Ninestars Information Technologies
Designation: Engineer Trainee – Software Development
Basic Programming
Basic knowledge of Database
Good Communication skills & team player
Salary Range(In Rupees): 20000
Number of Vacancies: 20
More information about this Engineer Trainee – Software Development Job
Please go through the below FAQs to get all answers related to the given Engineer Trainee – Software Development job
- What are the job requirements to apply for this Engineer Trainee – Software Development job position?
- Ans: A candidate must have a minimum of 0 to 1 year experience as an Engineer Trainee – Software Development
- What is the qualification for this job?
- Ans: The candidate can be a Graduate from any of the following: BCA, BE/B.Tech, BSc
- What are the salary requirements for this job?
- Ans: The salary range is between 20000 Monthly. The Salary will depend on the interview. This Engineer Trainee – Software Development is a Full Time in Bangalore.
- What is the hiring Process of this job?
- Ans: The hiring process all depends on the company. Normally for an entry level, hiring the candidate has to go for Aptitude, GD (If they look for communication),Technical test and face to face interviews.
- This Engineer Trainee – Software Development is a work from home job?
- Ans: No ,its not a Work from Home Job.
- How many job vacancies are opening for the Engineer Trainee – Software Development position?
- Ans: There are immediate 20 job openings for Engineer Trainee – Software Development in our Organisation.