Leading MNC looking for Engineer at Chennai

  • Full Time
  • Chennai

Leading MNC


  • Develop 3D solid models and assemblies of design components.
  • Provide drawing package with complete GDT, analysis of fits and tolerances.
  • Interact with other design team members to meet and optimize product design requirements.
  • Collaboratively work with other teams
  • Willingness to learn is critical
  • Drive various organizational initiatives

More information about this Engineer Job

Please go through the below FAQs to get all answers related to the given Engineer job

  1. What are the job requirements to apply for this Engineer job position?
    • Ans: A candidate must have a minimum of fresher as an Engineer
  2. What is the qualification for this job?
    • Ans: The candidate can be a Graduate from any of the following: Diploma, BE/B.Tech

  3. What are the salary requirements for this job?
    • Ans: The salary range is between 12000 and 15000 Monthly. The Salary will depend on the interview. This Engineer is a Full Time in Chennai.

  4. What is the hiring Process of this job?
    • Ans: The hiring process all depends on the company. Normally for an entry level, hiring the candidate has to go for Aptitude, GD (If they look for communication),Technical test and face to face interviews.

  5. This Engineer is a work from home job?
    • Ans: No ,its not a Work from Home Job.

  6. How many job vacancies are opening for the Engineer position?
    • Ans: There are immediate 1 job openings for Engineer in our Organisation.

Upload your CV/resume or any other relevant file. Max. file size: 64 MB.

You can apply to this job and others using your online resume. Click the link below to submit your online resume and email your application to this employer.

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